
A new approach to quality assurance

Workforce Development Councils enable industry to have a stronger voice around quality assurance.

Muka Tangata wants ākonga (learners) to flourish in the food and fibre sector, and for employers and industry to get workers with the skills they need. Muka Tangata is responsible for quality assurance activities with providers who develop and deliver their own programmes. These activities include programme endorsement and external moderation.

Our aim is to support providers to deliver quality programmes for ākonga. 

Improvements for 2025

Thank you for engaging with us and taking the time to feed back about how you think we should continue to build our relationships with you and improve our National External Quality Assurance and Moderation Plan for 2025.

We will continue to:

  • let each provider know during February each year when they will be moderated, and on which standards
  • facilitate the face-to-face hui Whakapūmau site visits with you, making every effort to schedule them at a time that suits you and your learners
  • record seminars and make them available on our website as a further resource
  • work with NZQA around reducing and removing any overlap in programme endorsement / programme approval, and moderation / programme monitoring / consistency reviews
  • look for opportunities for collaboration and consistent approaches between WDCs
  • build on our mahi that supports the success of ākonga Māori, mātauranga Māori, and te ao Māori through our quality assurance and moderation functions (including asking for samples from Māori learners)


New for 2025, we will:

  • send an email to each provider summarising the previous years moderation results, activities and connections. We hope this will be useful for provider self-reviews and NZQA monitoring
  • communicate and implement a consolidated and revised version of the Muka Tangata Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) for all food and fibre industries
  • provide information and guidance around delivering and assessing skill standards
  • Improve seminar content and include more subjects
  • provide general information and guidance around programme development that supports success for the food and fibre industries

Read more and register for our seminars here

Our two recent reports signal the way we plan to work with providers and develop fit-for-purpose quality systems.

Decorative image displaying the Te Whakatōnga report cover.Te Whakatōnga

A bespoke approach to deliberately incorporate mātauranga Māori and te ao Māori values into our National Quality Assurance and Moderation activities.

Read Te Whakatōnga

Decorative image displaying the External Moderation Review report cover.External Moderation Review

A review of our moderation systems (conducted by SAARA) to confirm the value of external moderation, explore opportunities for improvement and research best practice.

Read the External Moderation Review

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