
Te hunga kei te iho o ā tātou kai, ā tātou muka ki tua

People at the heart of our food and fibre future

Muka Tangata is the Workforce Development Council (WDC) for the food and fibre sector.

We work on ways to enhance vocational education and training (VET) to meet the needs of industry, iwi and hapū Māori, ākonga (learners), and kaimahi (workers), and support them to flourish.

We engage with industries and education and training providers, offer skills leadership and advice, work on qualifications, standards, and quality assurance, and are exploring different ways of working to meet the needs of the food and fibre sector. We then advise government on what programmes and qualifications they should support and fund. Read more

Research reveals how vocational education impacts wellbeing outcomes and the labour market

Research reveals how vocational education impacts wellbeing outcomes and the labour market

Research conducted by the New Zealand Policy Research Institute – Te Kāhui Rangahau Mana Taurite on behalf of the WDCs has revealed a number of...
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Have your say: Consent and Moderation Requirements review

Have your say: Consent and Moderation Requirements review

This March, we began work to reviewing our Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) that relate to food and fibre industries to ensure they are relevant...
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Future of VET: Muka Tangata submission

Future of VET: Muka Tangata submission

We have made our submission, and you can see the final version here: Muka Tangata submission. Since our draft (shared with industry on 29 August),...
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Update: Support leads to improvements for Apiculture providers

Update: Support leads to improvements for Apiculture providers

Last year Muka Tangata began working with providers to improve outcomes for training providers in the Apiculture industry.  Interventions like this are a key tool...
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New micro-credential growing leaders in the Dairy industry

New micro-credential growing leaders in the Dairy industry

Developed in response to an urgent need for leaders across Aotearoa New Zealand’s food and fibre sector, the Emerging Leadership in People, Food and Fibre...
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Focus on improving outcomes for Vehicle and Machinery programmes pays off 

Focus on improving outcomes for Vehicle and Machinery programmes pays off 

Vehicle and Machinery programmes and standards detail high physical risk activities that are used commonly across the food and fibre sector. Vehicles, including light utility...
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Get involved: Māori Leadership project

Get involved: Māori Leadership project

Muka Tangata and the Food and Fibre Centre of Vocational Excellence have launched the Māori Leadership project to enable those developing and delivering leadership programmes...
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Industry voice needed in shaping future of vocational education and training

Industry voice needed in shaping future of vocational education and training

On August 1, the Government announced its proposed reforms to the vocational education and training system in Aotearoa New Zealand. A six-week consultation period is...
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GroundED – Groundspread NZ members’ day

GroundED – Groundspread NZ members’ day

Earlier this month we attended GroundED – the Groundspread NZ members’ day. During the day, Muka Tangata Engagement and Partnerships Manager Catherine co-facilitated a session...
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NZFET National Sustainability Showcase

NZFET National Sustainability Showcase

We’re a proud partner of the New Zealand Farm Environment Trust (NZFET) – an independent charity that works to promote sustainability by championing good farming...
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Muka Tangata supports Otago Polytechnic’s full learner pathway in sports turf management course

Muka Tangata supports Otago Polytechnic’s full learner pathway in sports turf management course

Muka Tangata has supported Otago Polytechnic in establishing a sports turf management education programme that provides a full pathway from secondary school to employment in...
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MSC World Oceans Day event

MSC World Oceans Day event

On this year’s World Oceans Day, Muka Tangata attended the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)’s event on sustainable fishing. They took us on a deep dive...
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TENZ Vocational Education Summit

TENZ Vocational Education Summit

Last month our kaimahi presented at the TENZ (Technology Education New Zealand) Vocational Education Summit. The Summit was a gathering of industry leaders, educators, and...
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Emerging leadership micro-credential approved by NZQA

Emerging leadership micro-credential approved by NZQA

Muka Tangata is proud to share that the Emerging Leadership in People, Food and Fibre industries micro-credential has been successfully approved and listed by the...
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Update on Seafood qualifications development project

Update on Seafood qualifications development project

Three new Level 2 micro-credentials have been developed and approved by NZQA as part of an ongoing review to ensure seafood education products meet industry...
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Forestry Qualifications Development Project – Stage Two

Forestry Qualifications Development Project – Stage Two

The Forestry qualifications development project continues in 2024. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the Forestry qualifications development project over the past...
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Conservation micro-credentials and skill standards

Conservation micro-credentials and skill standards

Muka Tangata is supporting Toi Mai to explore a suite of micro-credentials and skill standards for the conservation sector. The new education and training products...
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2024 Ahuwhenua Awards

2024 Ahuwhenua Awards

The Ahuwhenua awards acknowledge and celebrate Māori excellence in the food and fibre sector of Aotearoa New Zealand where a legacy of hard work, fortitude,...
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Muka Tangata developing solutions for Wool Harvesting industry

Muka Tangata developing solutions for Wool Harvesting industry

Muka Tangata has finalised the form and content of new skill standards and micro-credentials which will provide a training pathway for those looking to join...
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A new skills framework for the food and fibre sector 

A new skills framework for the food and fibre sector 

Muka Tangata, with the Food and Fibre Centre of Vocational Excellence, has developed a new skills framework that supports a radically simplified qualification structure, and...
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2025 Investment Advice to TEC

2025 Investment Advice to TEC

Muka Tangata is pleased to share our 2025 Investment Advice to the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) report. This details our expectations for how providers will...
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Entry Level and Agriculture project wānanga

Entry Level and Agriculture project wānanga

Muka Tangata is embarking on two simultaneous qualification development projects for all food and fibre Entry Level and Agriculture qualifications, standards and micro-credentials. Read more...
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Representing specialised industries in workforce data

Representing specialised industries in workforce data

Our Workforce Development Plans capture workforce and skills information and opportunities for our 61 industries as specified by the ANZSIC codes in our Order in Council. We’ve found...
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Be part of building the pathway for the next generation of leaders

Be part of building the pathway for the next generation of leaders

Improving leadership capability provides an opportunity to drive further growth in Aotearoa New Zealand’s productivity, and to positively impact businesses and the economy. We know...
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Te Whakatōnga Progress Report 2024

Te Whakatōnga Progress Report 2024

Muka Tangata is pleased to share a progress report on Te Whakatōnga – our bespoke approach to deliberately incorporating mātauranga Māori and te ao Māori...
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Review of Muka Tangata Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR)

Review of Muka Tangata Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR)

Muka Tangata is responsible for the development and maintenance of Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) documents.   Each CMR document covers the requirements which Tertiary Education...
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Te Haumako – Māori Workforce Development Plan webinars

Te Haumako – Māori Workforce Development Plan webinars

Kai aku nui, kai aku rahi, kai aku whakatamarahi ki te rangi tēnā koutou katoa. Tēnei te reo whakaiti o Muka Tangata e pari atu...
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Get involved: Entry Level and Agriculture qualification development projects

Get involved: Entry Level and Agriculture qualification development projects

Muka Tangata has launched two simultaneous qualification development projects for all people, food and fibre Entry Level and Agriculture qualifications, standards and micro-credentials.  These qualification...
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New Forestry Micro-credentials approved by NZQA

New Forestry Micro-credentials approved by NZQA

Muka Tangata is proud to share that 10 new Forestry micro-credentials have been successfully approved and listed by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA), and...
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Public consultation open: Food and Fibre Leadership micro-credential  

Public consultation open: Food and Fibre Leadership micro-credential  

Muka Tangata has been working with representatives and leaders across the food and fibre sector, and from other Workforce Development Councils, to design a new...
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Online professional development seminars for 2024

Online professional development seminars for 2024

The Muka Tangata Quality Assurance and Enhancement team will be holding a series of 10 online professional development seminars between February and May 2024. These...
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Feedback open: draft Food and Fibre Skills Framework

Feedback open: draft Food and Fibre Skills Framework

Muka Tangata is seeking feedback on a Food and Fibre Skills Framework, which will help to create pathways, enable greater transferability of skills, and support...
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Forestry qualification development project 2024

Forestry qualification development project 2024

The Forestry qualifications development project continues in 2024. This year, we are working on qualifications, standards and micro-credentials in particular areas of Forestry – Harvesting,...
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Online professional development workshops for providers a success

Online professional development workshops for providers a success

A series of online professional development workshops upskilling providers and schools in delivery and assessment practices, held by Muka Tangata, have proven to be a...
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Industry changers in the food and fibre sector.

Industry changers in the food and fibre sector.

In 2021, industry changers made up 64% of new entrants to the food and fibre workforce!   What does this mean for the food and...
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Quality assurance tools that change behaviours and make a real difference

Quality assurance tools that change behaviours and make a real difference

Hui whakapūmau (site visits) are an important tool in our approach to moderation and quality assurance – they build whanaungatanga, mutual relationships, confidence and improve...
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New leadership course under development for the horticulture sector

New leadership course under development for the horticulture sector

UPDATE 16 February: Public consultation is now open on this micro-credential. Read more and have your say here: Leadership micro-credential consultation.   Muka Tangata, the...
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Confidence in Muka Tangata te reo and te ao Māori capabilities

Confidence in Muka Tangata te reo and te ao Māori capabilities

Muka Tangata provides on-going and side by side tautoko (support) for the tutor, ākonga and kura Kaupapa. Muka Tangata carries out moderation (pre-assessment and post-assessment),...
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Delivery and assessment in the 21st Century – we need your help!

Delivery and assessment in the 21st Century – we need your help!

Muka Tangata has been working with food and fibre industries to identify opportunities to ensure there is appropriate delivery and flexible assessment models that meet...
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Clash of the Colleges 2023 event

Clash of the Colleges 2023 event

Last month, Engagement and Partnerships Manager, Isabelle Coates, volunteered at the Agri Futures Clash of the Colleges 2023, on behalf of her young farmers club....
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Developing new Entry Level and Agriculture qualifications in 2024

Developing new Entry Level and Agriculture qualifications in 2024

In early 2024 Muka Tangata will begin two simultaneous qualification development projects for all food and fibre Entry Level and Agriculture qualifications, standards and micro-credentials....
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Muka Tangata supporting schools to deliver Agriculture and Horticulture unit standards

Muka Tangata supporting schools to deliver Agriculture and Horticulture unit standards

Muka Tangata is working with the Horticulture and Agriculture Teachers Association of New Zealand (HATA) to support delivery of high-quality quality assessment materials for secondary...
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New irrigation micro-credentials on the way

New irrigation micro-credentials on the way

Muka Tangata is working with the irrigation industry to develop new credentials to better support learners and the industry. Muka Tangata Chief Executive Jeremy Baker...
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Bespoke workshop held with Fruition tutors to strengthen assessment best practice

Bespoke workshop held with Fruition tutors to strengthen assessment best practice

Muka Tangata and Fruition Horticulture, a specialist horticulture education provider, are both focused on continuous improvement in the delivery of programmes. As a part of...
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Equifest 2023: Learning and building whanaungatanga

Equifest 2023: Learning and building whanaungatanga

Our Engagement and Partnerships team were pleased to attend Equifest last month – a three-day festival, held in Taupō, for people to connect and share...
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A New Approach to Learner Pathways research project

A New Approach to Learner Pathways research project

Muka Tangata and Food and Fibre Centre of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) have launched a project to create a skills framework that will support the development...
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Collaborative approach builds positive relationship and better outcomes

Collaborative approach builds positive relationship and better outcomes

Muka Tangata proactive and collaborative approach to ensuring assessment materials are fit-for-purpose has been a refreshing and beneficial experience for The Get Group. Muka Tangata...
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NZQA says Muka Tangata has effective National External Moderation systems

NZQA says Muka Tangata has effective National External Moderation systems

We are pleased to announce that NZQA believes Muka Tangata has developed effective National External Moderation (NEM) systems, providing confidence that assessment practices are fair,...
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Muka Tangata to present at the Food and Fibre CoVE Research and Insights Forum 2024

Muka Tangata to present at the Food and Fibre CoVE Research and Insights Forum 2024

The Muka Tangata team are excited to be presenting at the upcoming Food and Fibre Centre of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) Research and Insights Forum 2024...
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Introduction to the Māori Workforce Development Plan

Introduction to the Māori Workforce Development Plan

E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e rau rangatira mā Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.  Our team has begun work on a Māori...
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Muka Tangata Annual Report 2022-23

Muka Tangata Annual Report 2022-23

We are pleased to share our Annual Report for 2022-23, detailing our operations and celebrating our successes from the past year.  Listening to the needs...
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AQNZ Conference and site visit

AQNZ Conference and site visit

Muka Tangata members of the Aquaculture New Zealand (AQNZ) workforce steering group recently attended the 2023 AQNZ conference in Nelson, as well as a site...
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Muka Tangata attends the Pou Tangata Roadshow 2023

Muka Tangata attends the Pou Tangata Roadshow 2023

Our Poutiaki Pāhekoheko – Māori Engagment Lead recently attended the Pou Tangata Roadshow in Tauranga, hosted by the National Iwi Chairs Forum. The group heard...
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Muka Tangata continue to work with industry to identify skills and training needs

Muka Tangata continue to work with industry to identify skills and training needs

The Engagement and Partnerships team has continued to meet with industry to discuss their workforce, skills, and training needs, and how Muka Tangata can best...
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Have your say: Learning outcomes for new Forestry Earthworks micro-credentials

Have your say: Learning outcomes for new Forestry Earthworks micro-credentials

Muka Tangata is seeking feedback on the learning outcomes of proposed new micro-credentials for the Forestry Earthworks industry. Muka Tangata has been working with representatives...
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Improving preparation in the woolshed – New Zealand Wool Classers Industry Day

Improving preparation in the woolshed – New Zealand Wool Classers Industry Day

Our Engagement and Partnerships team attended the New Zealand Wool Classers Association North Island Industry Day in Whanganui recently. Sarah attended the event held at...
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Muka Tangata works with providers delivering apiculture programmes around best practice assessment

Muka Tangata works with providers delivering apiculture programmes around best practice assessment

Muka Tangata has been working with training providers in the Apiculture industry to achieve more consistent and appropriate assessment materials. Muka Tangata post-moderated three providers...
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Seeking specialists for irrigation micro-credential development

Seeking specialists for irrigation micro-credential development

Through our engagement with Irrigation NZ we’ve identified the need for credentials that recognise people with skills in commissioning and verification of full water pipe...
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Embedding te ao Māori and supporting providers to succeed 

Embedding te ao Māori and supporting providers to succeed 

Te Whakatōnga is designed to improve outcomes for Māori ākonga, iwi and hapū Māori, and to support providers success in the food and fibre sector.  ...
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Improving Vehicles and Machinery programme outcomes is a focus for Muka Tangata

Improving Vehicles and Machinery programme outcomes is a focus for Muka Tangata

In a workshop delivered on Wednesday 11 October, Muka Tangata shared findings and led a discussion on ways to improve moderation results with providers delivering...
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Public consultation open: Certificate in Forest Industry Foundation Skills (Level 2)

Public consultation open: Certificate in Forest Industry Foundation Skills (Level 2)

As part of the Forestry qualification development project, Muka Tangata is seeking feedback through a public consultation process. We are seeking feedback on the proposed...
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UCOL and Muka Tangata continue to build whanaungatanga that support outcomes for ākonga

UCOL and Muka Tangata continue to build whanaungatanga that support outcomes for ākonga

Working together, UCOL and Muka Tangata are building a positive relationship that is supporting outcomes for ākonga (learners). In 2022, UCOL and Muka Tangata identified...
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Leadership level 5 qualification

Leadership level 5 qualification

Through our engagement with Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service, we have identified an opportunity to respond to industry needs for a qualification...
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PIPTA conference 2023

PIPTA conference 2023

The Qualifications and Standards, and Quality Assurance and Enhacement teams were pleased to attend the Primary Industry Polytechnic Tutors Association (PIPTA) conference in Cromwell last...
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National Trade Academy and Muka Tangata partnership supports good outcomes for learners 

National Trade Academy and Muka Tangata partnership supports good outcomes for learners 

Muka Tangata and the National Trade Academy (NTA) are working together to support good outcomes for learners.  The NTA delivers training across the food and...
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National NZ Merino Shears competition

National NZ Merino Shears competition

The 62nd National Merino Shears competition was held in Alexandra on 29-30 September. Muka Tangata Engagement and Partnerships lead, Rachael handy, attended the competition to...
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‘E so’o le fau I le fau’ – United in strength and amplifying Pacific Excellence

‘E so’o le fau I le fau’ – United in strength and amplifying Pacific Excellence

In a visit with visitors representing qualifications and training authorities across Pacific nations, as part of a tour hosted by NZQA, Muka Tangata Chief Executive...
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Te Tai Tokerau visit

Te Tai Tokerau visit

Te Tai Tokerau, located in the northernmost part of New Zealand, is home to various iwi and hapū (tribes and sub-tribes) who play a significant...
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Spreading success with new micro-credentials for the fertiliser application industry

Spreading success with new micro-credentials for the fertiliser application industry

“At our annual industry awards, we always ask nominees to list their qualifications and achievements,” says Rose Hyslop, Executive Officer of Groundspread NZ. “We found...
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Public consultation open: Seafood qualification suite

Public consultation open: Seafood qualification suite

As part of the Seafood qualification development project, Muka Tangata is seeking feedback through a public consultation process. Since April 2023, Muka Tangata have been...
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Te Whatu Kairangi Awards ceremony

Te Whatu Kairangi Awards ceremony

Our Poutiaki Ara Kounga Māori and Poutiaki Māori – Mana Taurite attended Te Whatu Kairangi Awards ceremony at Parliament last night, hosted by Ako Aotearoa. This...
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Log scaling micro-credential project – Expression of interest

Log scaling micro-credential project – Expression of interest

We are pleased to announce a new project to develop a micro-credential in Forestry mensuration. Through our Forestry qualification development project, Muka Tangata has heard...
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Wool micro-credential development update

Wool micro-credential development update

In August we initiated a project to work with industry to develop four micro-credentials to support the wool harvesting industry. The development phase of the...
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Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi visit

Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi visit

Qualifications and quality assurance kaimahi from Muka Tangata and the five other Workforce Development Councils met with Te Wānanga o Awanuiārangi this month as part...
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Workshop opportunity: Vehicles and Machinery Best Practice Assessing

Workshop opportunity: Vehicles and Machinery Best Practice Assessing

Muka Tangata Quality Assurance and Enhancement are offering a discussion-based workshop to providers who deliver the vehicle and machinery unit standards. More specifically, the Quad...
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Transformation through collaboration: Empowering Pacific learners, businesses and employers

Transformation through collaboration: Empowering Pacific learners, businesses and employers

Strengthening career pathways and building a pipeline of Pacific talent through skills that industry need, now and in the future is at the heart of...
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Te Reo ki Tua! National Māori Language Revitalisation Symposium

Te Reo ki Tua! National Māori Language Revitalisation Symposium

Muka Tangata wants ākonga (learners) to flourish in the food and fibre sector, and for employers and industry to get workers with the skills they...
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Primary Production Select Committee briefing on Muka Tangata workplan

Primary Production Select Committee briefing on Muka Tangata workplan

The Primary Production Select Committee released a briefing on the Muka Tangata work plan, with recommendation that the House take note of its report. This...
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Changing Council members for Muka Tangata

Changing Council members for Muka Tangata

One of our founding Council members is departing, having finished his term, and a new Associate Director has been appointed. With deep appreciation, we bid...
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Te Mata Raraunga – Workforce Skills Data and Insights now live

Te Mata Raraunga – Workforce Skills Data and Insights now live

Te Mata Raraunga is now live and accessible by everyone – Ohu Ahumahi (the collective of the six Workforce Development Councils) are pleased to share...
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Workforce Development Plans Online Showcase

Workforce Development Plans Online Showcase

E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā karanga maha. Nei rā te mihi, nei rā te wairua mākohakoha o Muka Tangata. Nei rā hoki...
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Development of Wool Harvesting micro-credentials 2023

Development of Wool Harvesting micro-credentials 2023

Muka Tangata is excited to announce the launch of a project to develop four micro-credentials to support the wool harvesting industry. These micro-credentials will recognise...
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Seafood Qualifications Transformation Project

Seafood Qualifications Transformation Project

On Thursday 27 July we had the privilege of running our first wānanga as part of the Seafood qualifications development project.  Our review panel, comprising...
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Forestry Qualifications Review Wānanga

Forestry Qualifications Review Wānanga

Over the last two days Muka Tangata have had the privilege of hosting Forestry Industry experts from across the motu as part of our review...
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Operational Plan 2023-24

Operational Plan 2023-24

This Operational Plan sets out the ways in which we will advance our moemoeā (vision) and meet our commitments and deliverables over the 2023-24 year....
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Ohu Ahumahi sign a Memorandum of Collaboration with the New Zealand Defence Force

Ohu Ahumahi sign a Memorandum of Collaboration with the New Zealand Defence Force

The MoC is another step forward in realising the vision of Ohu Ahumahi where people are at the centre, with endless possibilities to choose their...
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Review of Forestry qualifications 2023

Review of Forestry qualifications 2023

Muka Tangata has launched the review of the suite of Forestry qualifications with a call for expressions of interest to play your part in the...
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Feedback on changes: New Zealand Diploma in Veterinary Nursing (Level 6) with strands

Feedback on changes: New Zealand Diploma in Veterinary Nursing (Level 6) with strands

We are seeking feedback on a review of the New Zealand Diploma in Veterinary Nursing (Level 6) with strands in Companion Animal Veterinary Nursing, and...
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Radical simplification of food and fibre qualifications

Radical simplification of food and fibre qualifications

In a hearing with NZ Parliament’s Primary Production Select Committee on Thursday 4 May, Muka Tangata presented an update on our work over the past...
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Introduction to the Seafood Review 2023

Introduction to the Seafood Review 2023

Kei ngā manutāiko, ngā kaipupuri o tō tātau nei mātauranga tēnā koutou katoa. Muka Tangata is pleased to announce the launch of the Seafood qualifications...
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New Council members for Muka Tangata

New Council members for Muka Tangata

Two of our founding Council members have finished at the expiry of their terms and two new board members have been appointed. With our heartfelt...
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Muka Tangata presenting at Work-Integrated Learning New Zealand International Conference 2023

Muka Tangata presenting at Work-Integrated Learning New Zealand International Conference 2023

Muka Tangata are presenting about our work to improve learning in work contexts at the Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Conference hosted by the University of Canterbury at...
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A new approach to quality assurance

A new approach to quality assurance

Part of our mandate to enhance vocational education and training to meet industry needs includes working with providers on quality assurance and moderation activities. We...
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2023 Ahuwhenua Young Māori Grower Award

2023 Ahuwhenua Young Māori Grower Award

The Ahuwhenua Young Māori Grower Award recognises and celebrates the achievements of young Māori farmers who are making a significant contribution to the agriculture industry...
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Silviculture Apprenticeship Qualification Review

Silviculture Apprenticeship Qualification Review

We have set the conditions for the development of a New Zealand Apprenticeship in Forest Silviculture Operations by Te Pūkenga. Muka Tangata has now set...
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Have your say on leadership training in the food and fibre sector

Have your say on leadership training in the food and fibre sector

The Food and Fibre Centre of Vocational Excellence is leading a project to develop a food and fibre leadership framework to meet the current and...
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Responding to Cyclone Gabrielle

Responding to Cyclone Gabrielle

Our sincerest thoughts are with the people, whānau, businesses and all others feeling the impact of Cyclone Gabrielle. In particular, we send our aroha to...
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Embedding mātauranga Māori and te ao Māori into practice

Embedding mātauranga Māori and te ao Māori into practice

We are happy to share two important reports: Te Whakatōnga – a bespoke approach to deliberately incorporate mātauranga Māori and te ao Māori values into our National Quality...
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Quality Assurance professional development online workshops

Quality Assurance professional development online workshops

Our Quality Assurance and Enhancement team will be holding a series of online professional development workshops this year. The workshops are for schools and providers...
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2023 Quality Assurance and Enhancement Plan is live!

2023 Quality Assurance and Enhancement Plan is live!

The Plan is for providers assessing standards and delivering programmes in the food and fibre sector. We have developed a National External Quality Assurance and...
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A New Approach to Learner Pathways

A New Approach to Learner Pathways

A new discussion document that examines how good design of qualifications, skills standards, and micro-credentials can enable greater flexibility in vocational education and training. A...
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Muka Tangata Annual Report 2021/2022

Muka Tangata Annual Report 2021/2022

This comprehensive review dives deep into our mahi and successes from our establishment on 04 October 2021 through to the end of our first financial...
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Growing Māori businesses and jobs in the food and fibre sector

Growing Māori businesses and jobs in the food and fibre sector

Our vision is of a food and fibre workforce and vocational education system that enables industry and partners to flourish in a manner that honours...
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Forestry Line Retrieval Unit Standards Review  

Forestry Line Retrieval Unit Standards Review  

We have revised three forestry line retrieval unit standards as part of ongoing efforts to improve health, safety and wellbeing in the industry. We have...
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Maungatapu blueberry farm visit

Maungatapu blueberry farm visit

Maungatapu is a whānau owned enterprise built around creating a whānau owned business, that provides employment and skills development for whānau, on whānau owned land....
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Proposal for Level 5 Future Forestry Leader Qualification

Proposal for Level 5 Future Forestry Leader Qualification

We will be leading the consultation, design and development of a new qualification that will fulfil the requirements. Through our engagement with Te Uru Rākau...
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Ohu Mahi Workforce Development Councils celebrate one year

Ohu Mahi Workforce Development Councils celebrate one year

This week Muka Tangata, and the five other Workforce Development Councils, celebrate the one year anniversary of our organisations. Since 4 October 2021 we have...
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Haere rā Dan

Haere rā Dan

Today we say farewell and good luck to one of the founding members of the Muka Tangata Council. Kia whai au i te au o...
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Engagement and Partnerships team visit NZ Merino in Christchurch

Engagement and Partnerships team visit NZ Merino in Christchurch

Our Engagement and Partnerships team were privileged to be hosted by the New Zealand Marino Company (NZM) in their Christchurch office on Wednesday 17 August....
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Food and fibre a priority for regional workforce planning

Food and fibre a priority for regional workforce planning

Regional Skills Leadership Groups have launched their plans for skills and workforce development in our regions and cities with the food and fibre industries a...
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Initial Sector Workforce Development Plan 2022 for the food and fibre sector

Initial Sector Workforce Development Plan 2022 for the food and fibre sector

WDPs are a plan for the whole of food and fibre, including all those involved in vocational education and training. This plan summarises priority areas...
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Te Rāngai Ohu Mahi – Paerewa Ako me te Marautanga ā-motu  | Skill Standards and ‘National Curriculum’ Working Group information sessions

Te Rāngai Ohu Mahi – Paerewa Ako me te Marautanga ā-motu | Skill Standards and ‘National Curriculum’ Working Group information sessions

Workforce Development Councils (WDCs) and NZQA are hosting information sessions to consult on draft Skills Standards with feedback received from this initial engagement to be...
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Muka Tangata WDC speak to the Parliamentary Primary Production Select Committee

Muka Tangata WDC speak to the Parliamentary Primary Production Select Committee

Muka Tangata Workforce Development Council (WDC) Chair Erin Simpson and Chief Executive Jeremy Baker were invited to speak to the Parliamentary Primary Production Select Committee...
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Council member awarded Māori agribusiness award

Council member awarded Māori agribusiness award

Muka Tangata Council member Wini Geddes (Ngāti Awa, Ngaitai ki Tōrere), alongside Simon Geddes, both of Tāne Mahuta, were awarded the Māori Agribusiness award at...
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Extending the last date of assessment for two qualifications in Horticulture

Extending the last date of assessment for two qualifications in Horticulture

We have extended the Last Date of Assessment (LDA) for two qualifications in Horticulture.   The Last Date of Assessment (LDA) in a qualification is...
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WDC endorsement for new and revised programmes

WDC endorsement for new and revised programmes

From 1 June new or redesigned programmes will be endorsed by WDCs. From 1 June 2022 Programme Endorsement will replace Programme Approval, under the Education and...
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Unified Funding System will provide more than $850 million per year for vocational education and training

Unified Funding System will provide more than $850 million per year for vocational education and training

We welcome the announcement this week of the new Unified Funding System (UFS), which will provide more than $850 million per year for vocational education...
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All staff days – May 2022

All staff days – May 2022

We had the pleasure of all our staff and Council members gathering together in our Wellington office on Thursday 12th and Friday 13th May. We...
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Food and Fibre Futures hui – Tauranga

Food and Fibre Futures hui – Tauranga

We met with industry and regional leaders in Tauranga on Monday 2 May. Our Engagement and Partnerships team are on the road this month to...
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Supporting Māori in mahi

Supporting Māori in mahi

We share the vision of the wider system – one where vocational education adapts and responds to ākonga and industry needs, with a key focus...
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Muka Tangata Workforce Development Council Chief Executive appointed

Muka Tangata Workforce Development Council Chief Executive appointed

Muka Tangata Workforce Development Council today announced the appointment of Jeremy Baker as Chief Executive. The appointment is a significant milestone in the establishment of...
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Induction event to kickstart industry leadership in future skills development

Induction event to kickstart industry leadership in future skills development

A two-day induction event kicks off today for 54 industry leaders and innovators who will play a vital role in ensuring New Zealand’s vocational education...
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The Orders in Council for the WDCs

The Orders in Council for the WDCs

The Reforms of Vocational Education (RoVE) have taken another significant step with the passing and gazetting of the Orders in Council that will lead to...
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Workforce Development Plans

Workforce Development Plans capture the key workforce and training information about each sector, identify the workforce and skills issues facing the sector, and identify the roadmap of actions that Muka Tangata will take in partnership with industry, iwi and hapū Māori, and education providers to address those issues. Explore our industries