
National NZ Merino Shears competition

The 62nd National Merino Shears competition was held in Alexandra on 29-30 September. Muka Tangata Engagement and Partnerships lead, Rachael handy, attended the competition to watch as over 60 shearers and 60 wool handlers compete for national titles, and to then represent Aotearoa on the world stage. This year’s competition also saw the REDI.E First Nations Australian Indigenous Team compete with NZ’s best.

It was a great opportunity to further discuss and share the micro-credential development project Muka Tangata are working on for the Wool Harvesting industry and engage with all parts of the value chain.

We know how important it is that skills and training are to the industry no matter the role – and this was evident throughout the event as the competitors worked through their paces and were judged accordantly, both technical and complex, as well as time bound.

Congratulations to all who took place! And we look forward to continuing our work with this specialist skilled industry and their whānau.