Contact us for any questions or input you have about us or our mahi by using any of the relevant channels below. We look forward to hearing from you.
General enquiries or complete the form below.
Official Information (OIA) requests.
Qualifications and standards enquiries – Capstone assessments; Training schemes (otherwise known as micro-credentials); Consistency reviews.
Moderation enquiries – National external moderation; Consent to assess; Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR).
Programme enquiries – Programme application support; Endorsing programmes.
Engagement and partnership enquiries – Workforce development; Connecting with industry, iwi and learners; Industry partnerships.
Recruitment enquiries – Tuia Mai, work with us.
On August 1, the Government announced its proposed reforms to the vocational education and training system in Aotearoa New Zealand. A six-week consultation period is now open until 12 September 2024, giving you the opportunity to get involved, and help shape the final structure ›