Muka Tangata wants ākonga (learners) to flourish in the food and fibre sector, and for employers and industry to get workers with the skills they need. Muka Tangata is responsible for quality assurance activities with providers who develop and deliver their own programmes. These activities include programme endorsement and external moderation.
Our aim is to support providers to deliver quality programmes for ākonga.
Thank you for taking the time to feed back to us about how you think we should continue to build our relationships with you and improve our National External Quality Assurance and Moderation Plan for 2024.
We heard:
In 2024, we will:
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Our two recent reports signal the way we plan to work with providers and develop fit-for-purpose quality systems.
Te Whakatōnga
A bespoke approach to deliberately incorporate mātauranga Māori and te ao Māori values into our National Quality Assurance and Moderation activities.
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External Moderation Review
A review of our moderation systems (conducted by SAARA) to confirm the value of external moderation, explore opportunities for improvement and research best practice.
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