We work on ways to enhance vocational education and training (VET) to meet the needs of industry, iwi and hapū Māori, ākonga (learners), and kaimahi (workers), and support them to flourish.
We engage with industries and education and training providers, offer skills leadership and advice, work on qualifications, standards, and quality assurance, and are exploring different ways of working to meet the needs of the food and fibre sector. We then advise government on what programmes and qualifications they should support and fund. Read more ›
Workforce Development Plans capture the key workforce and training information about each sector, identify the workforce and skills issues facing the sector, and identify the roadmap of actions that Muka Tangata will take in partnership with industry, iwi and hapū Māori, and education providers to address those issues. Explore our industries ›
On August 1, the Government announced its proposed reforms to the vocational education and training system in Aotearoa New Zealand. A six-week consultation period is now open until 12 September 2024, giving you the opportunity to get involved, and help shape the final structure ›