
Muka Tangata developing solutions for Wool Harvesting industry

Muka Tangata has finalised the form and content of new skill standards and micro-credentials which will provide a training pathway for those looking to join the Wool Harvesting industry and the opportunity to have the skills gained formally recognised.  

In total, four micro-credentials and five skill standards in shearing, wool handling and wool pressing have been developed at level 3. These training tools are a key step in establishing a sustainable and enduring formal learning pathway for the wool handling industry after decades of the absence of such opportunities. 

Initiated in August 2023, the development project has seen Muka Tangata work with industry leaders and vocational education and training bodies to research, analyse, and construct a workable solution for the industry. 

“We decided it was a priority to develop suitable education and training solutions for the industry based on what we were hearing from industry – that pathways into the industry are not clear and there isn’t a currently a formal training model for these roles withing the industry. Providing formalised but flexible credentials for learners within the industry may go some way to addressing this problem, and to improving retention of those who have entered the industry,” says Chief Executive Jeremy Baker. 

We now socialising the training products with the wider industry and vocational education and training sector: Wool Harvesting development

“Alongside the development project, we have also discussed the new products with our formal provider partners with several indicating an interest in offering these products when they are approved and listed on the New Zealand Qualifications and Certificates Framework,” Baker says.   

Email [email protected] for further information.