

Ngā Rongo Kōrero
2024 Ahuwhenua Awards
2024 Ahuwhenua Awards
The Ahuwhenua awards acknowledge and celebrate Māori excellence in the food and fibre sector of Aotearoa New Zealand where a legacy of hard work, fortitude,...
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Online professional development seminars for 2024
Online professional development seminars for 2024
The Muka Tangata Quality Assurance and Enhancement team will be holding a series of 10 online professional development seminars between February and May 2024. These...
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Online professional development workshops for providers a success
Online professional development workshops for providers a success
A series of online professional development workshops upskilling providers and schools in delivery and assessment practices, held by Muka Tangata, have proven to be a...
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Industry changers in the food and fibre sector.
Industry changers in the food and fibre sector.
In 2021, industry changers made up 64% of new entrants to the food and fibre workforce!   What does this mean for the food and...
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Quality assurance tools that change behaviours and make a real difference
Quality assurance tools that change behaviours and make a real difference
Hui whakapūmau (site visits) are an important tool in our approach to moderation and quality assurance – they build whanaungatanga, mutual relationships, confidence and improve...
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Clash of the Colleges 2023 event
Clash of the Colleges 2023 event
Last month, Engagement and Partnerships Manager, Isabelle Coates, volunteered at the Agri Futures Clash of the Colleges 2023, on behalf of her young farmers club....
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AQNZ Conference and site visit
AQNZ Conference and site visit
Muka Tangata members of the Aquaculture New Zealand (AQNZ) workforce steering group recently attended the 2023 AQNZ conference in Nelson, as well as a site...
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Muka Tangata continue to work with industry to identify skills and training needs
Muka Tangata continue to work with industry to identify skills and training needs
The Engagement and Partnerships team has continued to meet with industry to discuss their workforce, skills, and training needs, and how Muka Tangata can best...
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PIPTA conference 2023
PIPTA conference 2023
The Qualifications and Standards, and Quality Assurance and Enhacement teams were pleased to attend the Primary Industry Polytechnic Tutors Association (PIPTA) conference in Cromwell last...
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Te Tai Tokerau visit
Te Tai Tokerau visit
Te Tai Tokerau, located in the northernmost part of New Zealand, is home to various iwi and hapū (tribes and sub-tribes) who play a significant...
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Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi visit
Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi visit
Qualifications and quality assurance kaimahi from Muka Tangata and the five other Workforce Development Councils met with Te Wānanga o Awanuiārangi this month as part...
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Te Reo ki Tua! National Māori Language Revitalisation Symposium
Te Reo ki Tua! National Māori Language Revitalisation Symposium
Muka Tangata wants ākonga (learners) to flourish in the food and fibre sector, and for employers and industry to get workers with the skills they...
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