
Quality assurance tools that change behaviours and make a real difference

Hui whakapūmau (site visits) are an important tool in our approach to moderation and quality assurance – they build whanaungatanga, mutual relationships, confidence and improve outcomes. 

Feedback from providers we’ve visited has shown that meeting kanohi ki te kanohi (face-to-face) with our teams is a positive, informative and encouraging experience.  

We recently carried out 19 hui whakapūmau with providers and six online kōrero, which generated positive responses. Providers valued our moderators’ friendliness and professionalism, putting them at their ease and showing genuine interest in getting to understand their specific needs and processes. 

For Muka Tangata, visiting providers face-to-face allows us to observe delivery and/or assessment towards a programme and discuss with them how well the programme is performing for them and their learners – and we get to talk to ākonga (learners) and those involved in the development and delivery of the programme.  

We also discuss the organisation’s challenges and goals, their thoughts on the current Consent and Moderation Requirements and ask and advise how we can support and work with providers. 

Ultimately, it gives us confidence that the provider understands the quality assurance processes and Muka Tangata expectations, and it gives us a better picture of how a programme is performing for the sector. 

Best of all, it means out team builds a strong, collaborative relationship with the provider, ensures they feel supported and understands how we can support them.