
Muka Tangata continue to work with industry to identify skills and training needs

The Engagement and Partnerships team has continued to meet with industry to discuss their workforce, skills, and training needs, and how Muka Tangata can best support them to flourish in the food and fibre sector.

Kaimahi recently held hui with two Waikato-based organisations, gaining valuable whakaaro and insights.

  • Wairarapa Moana Inc, a Māori incorporation of 14 dairy farms, identified opportunities for the provision of pasture management programmes, as well as for formalising on-the-job biosecurity training.
  • Maui Sheep Milk expressed their desire to collaborate with Muka Tangata and other collectives to develop bespoke, sheep milk-specific training, noting a current lack of formal training for the industry.

We are pleased to establish these relationships and look forward to continuing to build on them, and others across our industries.