
Development of Wool Harvesting micro-credentials 2023

Muka Tangata is excited to announce the launch of a project to develop four micro-credentials to support the wool harvesting industry.

These micro-credentials will recognise skills for shearers and for wool handlers and will sit at levels 2 and 3 of the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQF). The micro-credentials are the first step in establishing a sustainable and enduring formal learning pathway for the wool handling industry since the Reform of Vocational Education commenced.

Responding directly to a need identified through our engagement with industry, these micro-credentials will target the early stages of the shearing and wool handling skills required to undertake the mahi. Our engagement has confirmed that pathways into the industry are not clear. Providing formalised but flexible credentials for learners within the industry may go some way to addressing this problem, and to improving retention of those who have entered the industry.

“Muka Tangata have been working with shearing industry leaders, and with the Wool Impact to find a sustainable solution for the industry. Our approach is to ‘build up’ from some key building blocks – encapsulated into micro-credentials, rather than attempt yet another re-write of the qualifications” Chief Executive Jeremy Baker says.

Muka Tangata will lead the consultation, design and development of these micro-credentials in collaboration with industry, iwi Māori and providers (formal and non-formal). We will apply the principles established in A New Approach to Learner Pathways and draw upon the research commissioned by the Food and Fibre Centre of Vocational Excellence (FFCoVE) on workforce development in the Wool Harvesting industry.

Get Involved

Registrations for expressions of interest to support this process are now closed. If you have any queries please contact [email protected].