Muka Tangata launched the Agriculture qualifications development project on 4 March 2024.
Through the Agriculture project, we will review and develop qualifications, micro-credentials, and standards from Level 3 to Level 5 for Agriculture industries including arable, dairy, sheep, beef, deer, pork, and poultry farming.
The project aims to examine the current and future skills needs of our agriculture industries and ensure that they are represented in our educational products. Having clear skills and career pathways within these qualifications will enhance transition between different levels of training and qualifications as well as improving transferability of skills for our agricultural workforce.
If you are interested in joining one of our advisory groups, please fill out this short survey: Get involved
More detail about the project and how you can be involved can be found in the Initiation Document (linked below).
Related projects
The Agriculture qualifications development project will be supported by our New Approach to Learner Pathways project which is designing a multi-level Food and Fibre Skills Framework to bridge the formal / non-formal learning divide.
Alongside the Agriculture project, we have launched the Entry Level project. Muka Tangata is working with key partners including industry, iwi Māori, schools, kura Māori, Trades Academies, to review the two current Primary Industry entry level qualifications and explore developing additional or alternative qualifications and/or supporting micro-credentials and standards at Level 2 and Level 3 that will strengthen pathways into the people, food and fibre sector of Aotearoa.
These projects are also linked to Te Haumako, our Māori Workforce Development Plan which enacts our commitment to promoting Māori excellence in the food and fibre sector.
If you’d like more information about these projects, please email [email protected] or contact your Engagement Manager.