
Seafood industry

Qualification Development Projects

In-progress projects

Since April 2023, we have been working with industry to review the suite of Seafood qualifications to ensure that they meet industry needs. We are taking a new approach based on partnering with industry, iwi Māori and vocational education providers to review and develop qualifications, standards and micro-credentials, in parallel with the programmes to deliver them.

Having a fit for purpose, flexible, and future-proof suite of qualifications for the Seafood industry will ensure ākonga (learners) are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and attributes to succeed.

View the General Qualification Process and FAQs: Seafood qualification review information sheet.


Review scope:

This will be a review of the Seafood Processing, Commercial Fishing, and Aquaculture qualifications.

View initial review summary: Executive Summary


Key steps:

April 2023 – Expressions of Interest sent for industry, iwi Māori and vocational education provider representation.

May – June – Working and Steering groups are set up and meet online.

July – Seafood Qualification Review in-person hui held in Nelson.

August – September – New qualification suite structures socialised with Working and Steering group members.

October – Consultation document and draft qualifications structures are developed and published.

November – Qualifications and Micro credentials and priority skill standards due to be submitted to NZQA.

December 2023 – January 2024 – NZQA publishes qualifications and micro-credentials and priority skill standards.

February – April 2024 – Skill standard development to replace existing unit standards as necessary.

May-September 2024 – Level 5 Environmental SustainabilitySkills Standards and Micro-credential development

June – September 2024 – Level 3 & Level 4 Core Subjects – Skills Standards and Micro-credential development

October 2024 – Final products submitted to NZQA


October 2024 update:

  • Level 5 micro-credential – Biosecurity: The Steering Group and Working Group are currently reviewing the micro-credential and the accompanying skill standard before they are submitted to NZQA.  
  • Level 5 micro-credentials: There are a few micro-credentials in the pipeline for Level 5 covering leadership, health, safety and wellbeing, and factory maintenance management. 
  • Level 3 and Level 4 core subjects: Draft products have been presented to the Steering Group and the team are incorporating the feedback received, before re-presenting for final signoff. 



  • NEW New Zealand Certificate in Seafood Operations (Aquaculture, Commercial Fishing, General, Quality Control and Compliance, Seafood Processing) (Level 3)
  • NEW New Zealand Certificate in Advanced Seafood Operations (Aquaculture, Commercial Fishing, General, Resource Management and Quality Control, and Seafood Processing) (Level 4)
  • Existing New Zealand Certificate in Seafood with strands in Aquaculture, Seafood Processing, and Commercial Fishing (Level 5) review date to be extended.
  • NEW Introduction to Aquaculture micro-credential (Level 2, 20 credits) NZQA
  • NEW Introduction to Commercial Fishing micro-credential (Level 2, 25 credits) NZQA
  • NEW Introduction to Seafood Processing micro-credential (Level 2, 30 credits) NZQA
  • Existing 280+ Seafood-related unit standards have had their review date extended to ensure that they continue to be available for assessment. This ensures that provision against the current qualifications can continue while we work on getting the new qualifications and related products online.
  • NEW New Zealand Certificate in Seafood Processing (Level 3) with strands in Fish and Fish Products, Live Holding, Cleaning and Sanitation, and Seafood Logistics
  • NEW New Zealand Certificate in Seafood Processing (Level 4)
  • NEW New Zealand Certificate in Commercial Fishing (Level 4)
  • NEW New Zealand Certificate in Commercial Fishing (Level 3) with strands in Shellfish, Wet Fish, and Frozen Fish
  • NEW New Zealand Certificate in Aquaculture (Level 4) with strands in Hatchery, Fish, Shellfish and Aquaculture Diving
  • NEW New Zealand Certificate in Aquaculture (Level 3) with strands in Hatchery, Fish, and Shellfish

Please reach out if you are interested in knowing more about the Seafood qualification review and how you can contribute – it’s not too late to get on board: [email protected]

Upcoming projects

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