In August 2023, we initiated a project to work with industry to develop four micro-credentials to support the Wool Harvesting industry: Development of Wool Harvesting micro-credentials 2023 – Muka Tangata.
We have worked with industry leaders and vocational education and training bodies to research, analyse and construct a workable solution for the industry.
Review scope:
The Wool industry has acknowledged the lack of a successful industry training model.
This work is informed by research undertaken by the Food and Fibre Centre of Vocational Excellence and work we are doing to map non-formal training delivery to formal qualification development.
Key milestones:
On August 1, the Government announced its proposed reforms to the vocational education and training system in Aotearoa New Zealand. A six-week consultation period is now open until 12 September 2024, giving you the opportunity to get involved, and help shape the final structure ›