
Future of VET: Muka Tangata submission

We have made our submission, and you can see the final version here: Muka Tangata submission.

Since our draft (shared with industry on 29 August), we have added further detail to consultation question #9 about the workforce analysis and advice provision of Muka Tangata and the Workforce Development Councils. Retaining and enhancing these functions would help ensure that the VET system meets the skill needs of the food and fibre sector.


What happens next?

After the consultation period closes, the Tertiary Education Commission and Ministry of Education will collate all feedback. In November, the Ministry of Education will present feedback and recommendations to Cabinet, which will then make its decision before the end of the year.

While we await further details on how the outcome of the consultation will affect us, we will continue to undertake our functions and work plan as laid out in our 2024-2026 Operational Plan. Our qualifications development projects, quality assurance, and work on our Workforce Development Plan Roadmap actions will continue until the end of June 2025 as planned.

Working closely with food and fibre sector organisations, Muka Tangata has prepared a draft submission on the proposed reforms. We seek to ensure that the food and fibre sector can access the skilled workers it needs to work productively and profitably.