
Iwitanga micro-credential project

Muka Tangata has been collaborating with Whakatōhea to create an iwi-specific micro-credential, designed to incorporate the mātauranga they teach into formal learning for ākonga.

The credential has been developed in a way that allows other iwi to adapt it, using their own mātauranga to suit their unique needs.

We plan to submit the draft micro-credential to NZQA in April. If this initiative aligns with your iwi’s interests, we would greatly appreciate your feedback over the coming weeks.


During a meeting with the education and training team at Whakatōhea Trust Board, Muka Tangata learned about the importance of ensuring that those employed in the mussel industry understand their Whakatōheatanga.

Whakatōhea already include this mātauranga in a pre-employment programme, which includes starting a seafood processing qualification for those employed in the mussel processing factory.

Hohepa Hei from Te Pou Oranga o te Whakatōhea says, “Being able to add value to the existing qualification by formally acknowledging our Whakatōheatanga and providing additional credits for our whānau engaged in our kaupapa is amazing.”

Muka Tangata Manukura Moerangi Vercoe explains that once the credential is finalised, other iwi involved in delivering formal qualifications will be able to use it.

While many qualifications on the NZQCF cover a broad range of skills and knowledge, there is currently no specific credential that recognizes the unique mātauranga of particular hapū or iwi.

“However, this had to be crafted in a way that safeguards the mātauranga as a taonga for each iwi or hapū—protecting their purakau, tikanga, and waiata.

“Not all iwi will want to adopt this, but we aimed to make it easier for those that do wish to explore this option.”

If you are interested, you can read the draft micro-credential here and let us know by email if you have any thoughts or questions. [email protected]

Read more about Te Haumako, our Māori Workforce Development Plan for the food and fibre sector here