
Improving preparation in the woolshed – New Zealand Wool Classers Industry Day

Our Engagement and Partnerships team attended the New Zealand Wool Classers Association North Island Industry Day in Whanganui recently. Sarah attended the event held at Bremworth Carpets Yarn Plant where we got a tour of the plant where we saw wool being transformed from scoured fleece to yarn.

The day was organised by NZ Wool Classers Association with an impressive lineup of speakers from Campaign for Wool, the Wool Company, PGG Wrightson Wool, Wool Impact, Honest Wolf and Bremworth Spinners.

The focus for the day was around improving the quality of preparation in the woolshed, which has declined due to the returns for growers of crossbred wool.

It was great to see so many wool handlers attend, as what they do in the wool shed has a huge bearing on the end product!