Today we say farewell and good luck to one of the founding members of the Muka Tangata Council.
Kia whai au i te au o ngā mihi e rere nei ki a koe, kei tō tātou hoa, kei te pou whakarae, e Dan.
Ko koe tēnā I noho hei tumu mō te kaupapa e here nei i ngā muka o tātou te tangata.
E mihi ana ki a koe, e mihi ana ki ō maunga, ki tō roto me tō Iwi e tāwharau nei I a koe I ō haerenga katoa.
Nō mātou o Muka Tangata te maringa nui I tō koha mai I ō pūkenga me ō mātauranga hei painga mō tātou katoa.
Anei koe e whati nei ki ō torotoronga hou, ā, ko te ngākau tēnei ka mihi, ka poroāki I a koe, tēnā rā koe!
Today we say farewell and good luck to one of the founding members of the Muka Tangata Council, Dan Epiha-Netana, who was instrumental in setting up our new organisation.
Over the past year Dan (Ngāti Tūwharetoa) has brought the voice of Māori employees into the mahi of the Council. Dan brought expertise from his vast experience and connections of the wood processing sector to represent this segment of the sector to our governing body, and always with a beaming smile.
He also brought his skills and knowledge to Te Rōpū hei tiaki Tāngata to support the people and culture of our WDC.
Dan Epiha-Netana has resigned to undertake other work commitments. We wish him the best in all future endeavours.
Ngā mihi Dan