
Industry changers in the food and fibre sector.

In 2021, industry changers made up 64% of new entrants to the food and fibre workforce!


What does this mean for the food and fibre sector?

This kind of movement means there are many new workers that bring transferrable skills and sector knowledge with them. These transitions can be advantageous for organisations/workplaces because individuals with experience in multiple industries can bring fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to challenges as well as wider sector knowledge.

Such moves can also enhance long-term career prospects. A diverse background in multiple industries within a sector can prepare individuals for leadership roles that require a broader understanding of the sector as a whole.

It’s important to note that while many skills are transferrable, some roles within an industry may require specialised knowledge or certifications. In such cases, people may need to invest in additional training or education to bridge any gaps in their qualifications.

Given that most workers are coming from other jobs, many within the food and fibre sector, it is important that we can understand and recognise transferrable skills. Muka Tangata is currently working on a Food and Fibre Skills Framework project to identify and map transferrable and specialist skills. This project could help connect formal and informal learning, giving recognition for specific skills. By doing this, we can collectively make the most of the diverse skills available, ultimately benefiting the entire sector.

Read more on our Workforce Development Plans website