

Ngā Rongo Kōrero
A new approach to quality assurance
A new approach to quality assurance
Part of our mandate to enhance vocational education and training to meet industry needs includes working with providers on quality assurance and moderation activities. We...
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Embedding mātauranga Māori and te ao Māori into practice
Embedding mātauranga Māori and te ao Māori into practice
We are happy to share two important reports: Te Whakatōnga – a bespoke approach to deliberately incorporate mātauranga Māori and te ao Māori values into our National Quality...
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2023 Quality Assurance and Enhancement Plan is live!
2023 Quality Assurance and Enhancement Plan is live!
The Plan is for providers assessing standards and delivering programmes in the food and fibre sector. We have developed a National External Quality Assurance and...
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A New Approach to Learner Pathways
A New Approach to Learner Pathways
A new discussion document that examines how good design of qualifications, skills standards, and micro-credentials can enable greater flexibility in vocational education and training. A...
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Muka Tangata Annual Report 2021/2022
Muka Tangata Annual Report 2021/2022
This comprehensive review dives deep into our mahi and successes from our establishment on 04 October 2021 through to the end of our first financial...
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Growing Māori businesses and jobs in the food and fibre sector
Growing Māori businesses and jobs in the food and fibre sector
Our vision is of a food and fibre workforce and vocational education system that enables industry and partners to flourish in a manner that honours...
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Food and fibre a priority for regional workforce planning
Food and fibre a priority for regional workforce planning
Regional Skills Leadership Groups have launched their plans for skills and workforce development in our regions and cities with the food and fibre industries a...
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Initial Sector Workforce Development Plan 2022 for the food and fibre sector
Initial Sector Workforce Development Plan 2022 for the food and fibre sector
WDPs are a plan for the whole of food and fibre, including all those involved in vocational education and training. This plan summarises priority areas...
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