Log scaling micro-credential project – Expression of interest October 2nd, 2023 We are pleased to announce a new project to develop a micro-credential in Forestry mensuration. Through our Forestry qualification development project, Muka Tangata has heard from industry that a micro-credential for log scaling is needed so the industry can access and attain relevant and manageable awards. This micro-credential will recognise the skills for workers in log scaling and will sit at Level 4 of the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF). Muka Tangata are committed to work in collaboration with industry, iwi Māori and providers across the regions to develop and design the micro-credential, ensuring that a broad view of the needs of the industry are met. Expressions of interest to be a part of this work have now closed. Read more about the Forestry qualification development project here. We will ensure that the micro-credential is fit for purpose and reflects current industry requirements. We will also be incorporating aspects of te ao Māori me ngā tikanga Māori, to ensure all ākonga (learners) are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and attributes to succeed. E hika mā tēnei te reo karanga o Muka Tangata e mihi ana ki a koutou kātoa, nau mai o pūkenga, nau ngā hua o ēnei wānanga, haramai ngā hua o tēnei mahi. Mē he pātai he raru rānei, whakapā mai – If you have any questions or issues, please email [email protected]