

Ngā Rongo Kōrero
National Trade Academy and Muka Tangata partnership supports good outcomes for learners 
National Trade Academy and Muka Tangata partnership supports good outcomes for learners 
Muka Tangata and the National Trade Academy (NTA) are working together to support good outcomes for learners.  The NTA delivers training across the food and...
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‘E so’o le fau I le fau’ – United in strength and amplifying Pacific Excellence
‘E so’o le fau I le fau’ – United in strength and amplifying Pacific Excellence
In a visit with visitors representing qualifications and training authorities across Pacific nations, as part of a tour hosted by NZQA, Muka Tangata Chief Executive...
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Te Tai Tokerau visit
Te Tai Tokerau visit
Te Tai Tokerau, located in the northernmost part of New Zealand, is home to various iwi and hapū (tribes and sub-tribes) who play a significant...
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Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi visit
Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi visit
Qualifications and quality assurance kaimahi from Muka Tangata and the five other Workforce Development Councils met with Te Wānanga o Awanuiārangi this month as part...
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Te Reo ki Tua! National Māori Language Revitalisation Symposium
Te Reo ki Tua! National Māori Language Revitalisation Symposium
Muka Tangata wants ākonga (learners) to flourish in the food and fibre sector, and for employers and industry to get workers with the skills they...
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Primary Production Select Committee briefing on Muka Tangata workplan
Primary Production Select Committee briefing on Muka Tangata workplan
The Primary Production Select Committee released a briefing on the Muka Tangata work plan, with recommendation that the House take note of its report. This...
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Workforce Development Plans Online Showcase
Workforce Development Plans Online Showcase
E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā karanga maha. Nei rā te mihi, nei rā te wairua mākohakoha o Muka Tangata. Nei rā hoki...
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Seafood Qualifications Transformation Project
Seafood Qualifications Transformation Project
On Thursday 27 July we had the privilege of running our first wānanga as part of the Seafood qualifications development project.  Our review panel, comprising...
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Forestry Qualifications Review Wānanga
Forestry Qualifications Review Wānanga
Over the last two days Muka Tangata have had the privilege of hosting Forestry Industry experts from across the motu as part of our review...
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Review of Forestry qualifications 2023
Review of Forestry qualifications 2023
Muka Tangata has launched the review of the suite of Forestry qualifications with a call for expressions of interest to play your part in the...
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Radical simplification of food and fibre qualifications
Radical simplification of food and fibre qualifications
In a hearing with NZ Parliament’s Primary Production Select Committee on Thursday 4 May, Muka Tangata presented an update on our work over the past...
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Introduction to the Seafood Review 2023
Introduction to the Seafood Review 2023
Kei ngā manutāiko, ngā kaipupuri o tō tātau nei mātauranga tēnā koutou katoa. Muka Tangata is pleased to announce the launch of the Seafood qualifications...
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